Learn to Enjoy Public Speaking!
Try our intensive Public Speaking in English course that allows you to take a significant leap in just 2 sessions.

Program Goals
Starting with the organization and individual’s goals, you'll receive a tailor-made course that trains the participants through exercises, simulations, body language, voice training and many more aspects.
Build confidence
Build confidence and abilities delivering talks to an audience.
Increase retention
Increase retention for employees within the company.
Improve business
Improve business whether selling, presenting or even teambuilding.

What you'll learn:
- Find the Fear within you
- Understand the psychology of speaking
- Confidence 1-10 check-in
- Discover the fear within you and how to use it in your favour
- Consistent reviews, refection and suggestions
- Aim your attitude
- Utilize your imperfections to inspire
- Get your speech to serve your colleagues, clients and/or community
- Identify your communication style
- Embrace your personality to bring the best out of you and your audience
- Recognize the purpose of the speech helping/ guiding/ informing/ entertaining
- Materials and Tips
- Enhance your memory
- Throw away that A4 sheet full of text
- Remember the start, the end and the key points
- The Messages
- Establish a maximum of 3-5 messages around one key area/objective.
- Using a story for each important point.
- Be clear, concise and to the point
- Gestures and Movements
- How to use your facial expressions and body language to influence your speech
- Use your unique personality to get your message across
- Vocal Varieties and Pauses
- Less is more.
- Using effective pauses
- How to tell a story and mix up your tone, stress and intonation.
- How to use simple words without complicating the objective of the talk.
- Practice and Feedback
- You’ll get comfortable seeing yourself speak and improving.
- Colleagues and community are encouraged to participate.
- Focus on the positives and have FUN
- Self-reflection
- Discovering the power of self-reflection
- Confidence 1-10 check-in
- Witness your progress through seeing your most recent speech and your first speech again.

What Vicente says:
Un muy buen curso para que la gente timida pierda el miedo a hablar ingles y para los menos timidos practicar para poder llegar mas al publico cuando te diriges a ellos.

María says:
Time flew by during the course in both days. Nick managed it perfectly to keep your attention in every moment. He gave you clear instructions and good feedback. He makes you feel comfortable all the time and you finish the course with the impression of having learned something useful.
Connect, Communicate, and Feel Calm
This program ISN'T for you if...

- You think there’s a magic pill for public speaking.
- You want to let your fears determine your professional future.
- You think it’s just a matter of practice and that in a few years you will be a good speaker.
- You can’t dedicate 1 morning to it.
- You are not willing to invest inyourself to achieve lasting results.
This program IS for you if...

You sell something
Your position requires talking to others.
You need to learn to relax and present in the best way possible while being yourself.
You want results in a short time.

What Fernando says:
Consiste en aprender técnicas para hablar o expresarte en público que son válidas, no sólo para hablar en Inglés, sino para cualquier otro idioma que se use. En este caso, se focaliza más en Inglés, porque es la lengua en la que nos hemos interesado y en la que el personal se siente más incómodo cuando habla, primero porque no es nuestra lengua materna, y segundo porque pensamos que el o los interlocutores que nos están escuchando, no nos van a entender. También nos enseñan técnicas para controlar las malas emociones (nervios) o malos hábitos (filler words) para potenciar las habilidades de hablar en público. Gran curso y muy recomendable para personal que tenga que hablar en público.

Anonymous participant:
Es un gran entrenamiento que permite dar un salto significativo en muy poco tiempo, especialmente para aquellas personas con nivel bajo